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Aditya International School


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Aditya International School(圖1)-速報App


Aditya International School(圖2)-速報App

The Child Is The Center Of All Our Considerations.It Is Clear That Generally Schools Everywhere Are Too Often Large And Impersonal, Wedded To Outdated Ideologies And Teaching Methodologies. Children Pass Out Each Year From School With Half Baked Bookish Knowledge, Stamped With Fatigue And Boredom, Unable To Explore Their Full Potential Due To a Strait Jacketed Approach.

Aditya International School(圖3)-速報App

The Founders Of Aditya International School Feel That There Needs To Be Truthful And Real Contact Between Teachers And Students. The Class Strength Need To Be Limited And Intimate. The Focus In Each Class Should Be On Ideas, Debate And Comprehension Over Blind Dependence On Lectures, Notes And Memory.

Aditya International School(圖4)-速報App

The Children At Aditya International School Have The Opportunity To Work With Mentors They Know And Respect And Who Know And Respect Them. The Natural Beauty Of The School Campus And Conducive Learning Environment Inspires All Of Us To Appreciate And Adopt What Is Natural, Simple And True. We More Easily Remember Who We Are And What Is Truly Important.

Aditya International School(圖5)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad